
On Sept 10, 2016 a team of missionaries from Elevate Church in Monroe Michigan will travel to Chisinau, Moldova to work with the New Hope Moldova team to share the gospel by working to restore the physical and spiritual needs of the Gypsie community in that country. The team will share our experiences and how God is changing our lives on this blog.

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Building Faith

Today was a reminder about about growing in faith.   I used to think my faith was strong - then I went on my first mission trip.  To be clear I'm not talking about my faith that God exists.  That is unwavering. I'm talking about my faith that Jesus will have my back.  The reality of this hits when I'm faced with something I'm fearful of doing like talking in front of a large crowd, praying out loud, sharing testimony with strangers- you know, the stuff I'm not great at and also where I'm vulnerable.  Yeah vulnerability is REAL scary. The type of scary that makes courage afraid.  Sometimes it seems like jumping into the pool with lead weights on your feet and trusting you can breath underwater.  But reality is, if we don't submit ourselves to the fear of being vulnerable, our faith that Jesus has our back doesn't grow and it becomes stagnant.

Being vulnerable for Jesus builds faith - REAL faith. Mission trips are faith builders including the first day of accepting the call God has placed on the heart, fundraising, collecting supplies, trip Preparations, letters of gratitude, team meetings, praying in front of large groups.... this list really never ends.  Really never.  Yes it's a lot of work, dedication, and vulnerability, but it's all in the name of Jesus and did I mention the growth in faith? - it's exponential on mission.

I realized something else about faith.  Our mission team has incredibly strong faith (that's not a surprise to me because these are amazing people) and being witness to strong faith in others changes you.  You can catch it.  It's contagious. Yes, Faith is contagious!

My faith has grown so much since I went on my first mission trip.  I don't get faith building anywhere else like on mission.  It's amazing when your faith grows, because God is so good.  I will continue to submit myself to vulnerability in the name of Jesus.  I trust he has my back.

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