
On Sept 10, 2016 a team of missionaries from Elevate Church in Monroe Michigan will travel to Chisinau, Moldova to work with the New Hope Moldova team to share the gospel by working to restore the physical and spiritual needs of the Gypsie community in that country. The team will share our experiences and how God is changing our lives on this blog.

Monday, September 12, 2016


It's Sept 11th @ 1:59am and we're somewhere over the Atlantic (weird).

The week before this trip I was experiencing the first ever,  anxiety.  I have no idea why, no thoughts, no fears just anxiety. The morning of it was really bad,  then my arm on the left side of my body was going numb. Why was this happening? Was I scared? No. I keep my thoughts on the mission, the people of Moldova. The one thing I do have control over,  my thoughts! Faith

Boarding time was just about over, and the seat next to me was empty, YES more room maybe I could actually sleep!? This is my third trip to Moldova so I know the length of this flight and I dread it because as hard as I try I cannot sleep on a plane.  It could be that I'm fearing I would be a drooler (ask Cindy to share her story). A gentleman approachs me, 34F!? Bubble burst.......
Then, I am reminded of the date.  Those people who didn't make it to their destinations, those lives that were taken unfairly.  I am headed to a country where most people will never have the luxury to see the inside of a plane.  Why do I concentrate on such selfish things?

Thank you God, for all the wonderful people you put into my life who paid for my trip so I have this wonderful opportunity. Thank you for the reminders of what is really important in life.  Lord, make my heart clean, restore it. Restore it to your ways.

I always enjoy the movies on the flight.  I chose, Demolition. Mostly because of the genre, comedy/drama. Comedy,  yes.  Jake Gyllenhaal double yes :)
Who names the genre, a comedy? Not one laugh......I know I can be uptight sometimes but geeze, not one!! I keep watching thinking that ok, there will be a happy ending.......
The movie was set in New York,  a man going through the stages of grieving.  Jakes character reminisces about September 11th, has a sign,  "Never Forget" with the Towers pictured.
I definitely needed a laugh now, so I turn on an episode of Friends. Always a pick me up. In this episode,  they show the Twin Towers  (takes away my breath everytime)

I sat there thinking,  praying for those who had lost.  How long did they grieve? Where was their happy ending?

As the character Joy in "Inside Out" I do want everyone to be happy. I try to help in that process, sometimes to my own detriment. God is the only one who can give peace and joy. The joy of the Lord is our strength.  He uses people who show love to accomplish His purposes but it is He who heals,  restores.  Through those times of demolition when we think we just can't take it anymore, He gives us hope,  peace and joy. "a diamond is just a piece of charcoal that handled stress exceptionally well."

Life will throw us some hard balls (many times because of our own choices) but He is right there to pick us back up.  To put the pieces together.  To redeem what was lost, Ephesians 1:7 "In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of his grace.”

Trespasses? Trespasses because I'm not perfect.  Because when someone hurts me, I want justice.  In this verse,  He is talking of, MY trespasses.  My unforgiveness, my bitterness. Taking responsibility for my own actions/emotions.   The saying, "Anger is like drinking poison, expecting the other person to die. Not forgiving someone is like drinking poison expecting the other person to die. Resentment is like drinking poison and waiting for the other person to die".

Once we surrender it to God, forgive....His grace is overflowing.  Healing,  restoration,  redemption.
Who doesn't want freedom!? Replacing those lies we were believing about ourselves,  others or God with truth and love,  "Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—His good, pleasing and perfect will."
Romans 12:2 NIV

Surrender myself so I can show the love of Christ.  This is what I want the people of Balti, Moldova to feel this week. To feel the love of Christ through His hands and feet.
Prayers for this to be accomplished this week. 

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